I've ordered a polytunnel, it should arrive in a couple of weeks, i'm looking forward to it arriving but not constructing it. I've got lots of seeds ready for planting. I've also bought the rabbit fencing, they are already nibbling at a few things. I've about 300m to put up that's next week job.
I've moved the wood from the hedge to a part of the field that I don't need at the moment it'll make a good bonfire. It has lots of elder in it and it is supposed to be unlucky to burn inside, so I thought I'd play it safe as we have plenty of other wood. There is still plenty of elder left and some of it will regrow, so I can make some more elderflower cordial and maybe elderberry wine. Moving the wood, now the hedge has been trimmed back means I've more land available than I thought.
The hedge has started to regrow about 2m from the boundary, you can see the stumps on the photographs.
The rabbit fence will be set in about 2m then I am leaving a wild area about 3m wide then the pathways round the beds. Then hopefully every body can have a bit of space.
Working outside is definitely good for the soul, I get to listen to the birds sing and watch them as they move around. There is a buzzard as well, it is beautiful and very big. There are a few animals in the next field and I
sometimes feel I'm being watched they all have names but I can never remember them.
Preparing myself for a busy week next week, chilling in front of the fire with a glass of wine and a take-away