Friday 17 July 2015

Just set up the stall, ready for the weekend with cucumbers, onions, garlic, mange 2, courgettes and squashes.  I'm only opening Friday, Saturday and Sunday as there hasn't been any demand during the week.  Nothing is wasted as we eat what's not sold or it goes on the compost heap to help produce next years crop.

A couple of the new hens are laying nice white eggs (smallish) and I've discovered Latte's hiding place so I have some eggs to sell.  I've got a mix of brown, cream, blue and white eggs, they all taste the same, or do they?

The herb pots (Basil, Thyme and Lemongrass) have put on new growth so they will go on the stall tomorrow.  I've been given a few pots to up-cycle so I can pot a few in nice pots.

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