Wednesday 8 July 2015

The first courgettes are forming and I've harvested my first cucumber.  I've dug up the garlic, its drying in the polytunnel.  One of the new hens has laid her first egg (the old hens are still hiding their eggs) hoping to have a few more to sell soon.  I'm digging up the onions and the last of the potatoes later this week.

I've spent the last couple of days in the polytunnel as its been a bit cooler.  Tying up the cucumbers, melons and tomatoes. They are doing well with fruits forming on them all.

The peas and mange tout are growing well and I can't resist picking and eating the as I go by. I think I'll have some to sell.

I'm potting on some basil and thyme that I've grown from seed to add to the stall, along with the lemongrass I grew earlier in the year.

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